Tag: electronic invoices

Invoices in ZUGFeRD format with webPDF

ZUGFeRD (In German: Zentraler User Guide des Forums elektronische Rechnung Deutschland) is a format for electronic invoices in addition to XRechnung. The format was developed by the “Forum for Electronic Invoicing Germany/Forum elektronische Rechnung Deutschland” and, just like the French open e-invoice format Factur-X, the format works in such a way that machine-readable UN/CEFACT XML…

XRechnung with webPDF

What is XRechnung? XRechnung is an XML-based semantic invoice data model. XRechnung complies with the European standard EN 16931 and is used for electronic invoice exchange with European authorities. XRechnung is regarded as the standard for electronic invoice exchange by all German authorities and administrations. One thing is certain: From 27.11.2020, public authorities will only…

XRechnung – Standard for electronic invoices from 2020

All German authorities expect the invoice to be issued as a “German CIUS XRechnung” by all suppliers from November 2020. This requires that the invoices are provided as “XRechnung” documents. XRechnung is an XML-based semantic data model, which is currently being established as the standard for electronic invoices (to public authorities in Germany). It is…