No SNoUG conference in 2021!

Due to the difficult situation at the beginning of this year, there will unfortunately be no SNoUG conference in 2021. Year after year, the SNoUG (Swiss Notes User Group) conference was an insider’s tip offering the possibility to exchange information about Notes topics and to get informed about the development of Notes Domino.

So in the past we were happy to report about this small but important and interesting conference besides other events.

After the cancellation in 2020, there is now an outlook on the third quarter of 2021, because a smaller, informal meeting will probably be organised here instead of a big annual meeting.

In the meantime, DNUG events are an important contact point for all those who are interested in news about Notes Domino:

More about this year’s DNUG online event:

This year DNUG’s annual event will be called “dachnug”, as it is intended to address participants from Switzerland and Austria in particular. The plan is that the first day is reserved for classic Notes topics and the collaboration area, after which everyone can get a good overview of the current HCL software, which offers much more than just the collaboration area. On the second day, Darren Oberst, Corporate Vice President HCL Software, will talk about the background and vision of HCL Software and thus give a good outlook on the coming period.