SoftVision data archiving and migration projects

Customers often approach us when they need help with larger data archiving projects. Data archiving means in this case that all relevant contents (even from complete databases) must be archived in a legally compliant manner. Some customers also require support for migration projects in which a system previously used in the company is to be replaced or where different systems must be merged due to a company merger.

In addition to larger archiving projects, we also have many customers who would like to carry out professional long-term archiving in the company or who would like support especially in the area of e-mail archiving in the company.

In the meantime, we have gained experience with a wide variety of data archiving projects. In each case, we will first of all newly and individually coordinate how the customer’s support should look like. Many scenarios are conceivable. With the following practical examples you can get an idea of how such data archiving projects with SoftVision can look like. Our software webPDF and n2pdf are used for this purpose:

Legally compliant e-mail archiving in companies

More helpful information on e-mail archiving in Germany

Case studies from our work practice – data archiving with n2pdf

If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time: