Our digital workflow feature article on toolsmag

In the lead-up to our scheduled appearance at tools 2016 in Berlin this June, we’ve published a feature article about the digital workflow on toolsmag (the experts’ blog for digital business). The subjects presented on toolsmag mostly concern the world of digitization and provide background knowledge and practical information on how to optimize enterprise processes. Startups and small to midsize businesses seeking to improve their own workflows form the magazine’s primary target audience.

Our article deals with mastering one of today’s biggest digital challenges, namely the problem of managing floods of data and how best to archive e-mails. Using our webPDF software solution as an example, we show you how remarkably efficient working with PDF documents can be.

Digitization forms the basis for the way many companies work today, and implementing a long-term digital archiving system plays no small role in this. The article also examines the benefits to be had from a long-term digital archive using PDF/A and how your human resources work can be made even more effective.

We’ll be examining these and other issues in our article:

“Digital workflow: Efficiency through professional PDF solutions for businesses”

We will be announcing more details here shortly, including exactly where (the stand number) you can find us at tools 2016 in Berlin.
